Tax Planning – Articles
[accordions] Articles
[accordion title=”General tax planning”]
NYS Real Property Tax Relief Credit
NYS Non-Profit Filing Thresholds
Am I having enough withheld?
Choosing an income tax filing status
Help! I can’t pay my tax bill
Income tax planning and 529 plans
Surviving an audit
Tax benefits of home ownership
Tax planning for income
Tax planning for the self-employed
Taxation of investments
Year-end tax planning
[accordion title=”Tax credits and deductions”]
Education tax credits
Personal deduction planning
Qualifying for the home office deduction
Understanding personal tax credits
Taxation of investments
Year-end tax planning
[accordion title=”Taxes and insurance”]
Income tax tips: business insurance
Tax planning for annuities
Tax planning tips: auto insurance
Tax planning tips: disability insurance
Tax planning tips: life insurance
Tax tips: health insurance
Tax tips: homeowners insurance
Tax tips: long-term care insurance