JMA Attends NCCF 30th Anniversary Kickoff Celebration

JMA Attends NCCF 30th Anniversary Kickoff Celebration

By on Feb 22, 2016 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

JMA is a platinum sponsor of the Northern Chautauqua Community Foundation (NCCF). Kevin Wystup and Richard Johnson attended NCCF’s 30th Anniversary Kickoff Celebration, held on January 22, 2016 at 21 Brix. Wystup is a current partner at JMA and Johnson is a retired partner and founding member of JMA. Johnson was one of the NCCF’s founding members and a past president.

The NCCF serves to be a catalyst for the establishment of endowments to benefit the community both now and in the future; to provide a vehicle for donors’ varied interests; to promote local philanthropy; to serve as a steward of funds; and to provide leadership and resources in addressing local challenges and opportunities. For more information on the NCCF visit

Pictured from left to right: Kevin Wystup, Cindy Wystup, Diane Hannum (NCCF Executive Director), Michele Johnson, Richard Johnson.

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